school room | Pixabay (Pexels)
school room | Pixabay (Pexels)
Monte Vista High Special Education Resource Teacher Presley Garcia is the first honoree of the monthly Educator Highlight Award from the Adams State University School of Education. Garcia, Adams State Class of 2020, was recognized for his connections with students and the high standard he sets for the personal and academic growth of students at Monte Vista High.
“It really means a lot to me,” Garcia said of the award from his alma mater. The fact he now teaches in the community that raised him also adds to the specialness of the award, he said.
The Adams State School of Education established the Educator Highlight Award to recognize and highlight its alumni, prominent local teachers, and other educators working within or hailing from the San Luis Valley.
Chrissy McKinney presents Presley Garcia with the first Educator Highlight Award.
“In doing so, Adams State University hopes to build familiarity with the community as a serious destination for future educators,” said Chrissy McKinney, program coordinator and advisor for the Adams State School of Education.
The Educator Highlight Award is being coordinated by McKinney and Paul Clark, program assistant for Adams State School of Education.
Each recipient of the award receives an engraved plaque and is honored during a presentation by the Adams State School of Education staff at the recipient’s school.
“I’m just trying to make a difference in people’s lives and be a positive role model, especially being a male role model for some of these kids,” Garcia said of the role he plays as an educator.
Being a teacher is “busy and fun,” he said. In addition to being a Monte Vista High Special Education Resource Teacher, he also serves as a coach for multiple sports.
Original source can be found here.